Tag: Recommendations


We’re prepping for holiday shopping around here and have our top 10 list for an artistic and alternative teen. I find it sometimes hard to know what will be cool and quirky instead of plain dorky, so this type of list helps me a lot! I’m making this list from Caitlyn’s wishlist on Pinterest, updated for Christmas.


It just hit me today… The fun of organizing my life in preparation for a new year!! I’ve been working on my intentions for weeks if not months now, but suddenly, I’m planning events well into 2019 and realizing it’s time for new wall calendars and planners so that I have visual reminders and don’t overbook myself.


A few weeks ago, I wrote this post about going from no exercise to running 1.5 miles in less than a week. That post focused on how I did that, and what I tried differently than before. I can definitely say that part of it was mindset – and a lack of pressure to achieve perfection right away. Paradoxically, it was exactly that which led me to success. I don’t actually want to run a marathon. I just want to do some simple runs to keep my cardio fitness levels up.
One thing I didn’t talk about though, was gear. Doesn’t gear make a difference?