Personal Growth Relationship

What I love (He said)

Tina and I are doing a bit of an experiment to get us going in writing about relationship. We’re starting with 5 things we love about each other and/ or our relationship.  So here are five of mine: 

  1. I love Tina’s intelligence.  She has a wonderful vocabulary and her word usage is impressive both in the written and spoken word.  And somehow (I haven’t yet learned this ability myself) she is able to clearly express herself even in moments that are difficult or challenging.  Where I typically tend to struggle to articulate clearly what is happening to me emotionally or how I am getting triggered, Tina is able to navigate murky waters and still clearly express herself.  It provides the framework for us working through some of the bigger challenges that come up in our relationship.  And if you are in a relationship you know “stuff” just comes up.  I swear the universe can pull off some amazing logistical improbabilities with the sole intention of simply pushing “our” buttons.  
  2. Tina dreams big.  I love that about her.  She is full of ideas.  They seem to magically appear in waves of insight and inspiration.  I don’t know where all the ideas come from, but she is definitely tapping into something creative.  It helps me to see that the world is bigger than I think it is and that there are lots of different ways to engage life.  Whether it be in a love relationship, a family dynamic, one’s profession or simply a strategy for daily living there are many ways to dance the dance of life.  Sometimes it can be a challenge to find different perspectives and see a bigger picture.  Tina sees the bigger picture and manifests her dreams into reality.
  3. I love and appreciate Tina’s drive to understand her own thought process.  Her diligent efforts to develop awareness about what she is feeling, thinking, and saying are impressive.  She asks herself the tough questions.  Is she reacting? Is she being authentic? Is there congruency in actions taken and decisions made?  How about congruency in words that are spoken?  Tina is not afraid to venture into the deep end.  What makes each of us tick is a complex, nuanced system that is buried under a lifetime of data, often subconscious, that when triggered causes a cascade of responses within.  Having the courage to dive head first into the ins and outs of that process in commendable.  Ultimately it is an embarking upon the great work.  You can’t change others but developing awareness of your inner workings allows you to change yourself.  “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” (Mohandas Gandhi)
  4. I love that Tina appreciates nature’s beauty and enjoys being out in nature.  It is one of the things that nourish both of us and that we can do together.  Whether it is going for a hike in the mountains, kayaking in a body of water, or just simply going for a walk in the green space near our home, we can find joy in sharing some time together appreciating the beauty of the outdoors. 
  5. Lastly, we are, as a couple and as a family, what we like to call “redorkulous”.  All of us are very silly.  Even our teenager who likes to pretend she’s not.  You know, it’s totally not cool to be silly.  Pfft.  That is just teenage nonsense.  We rock silly and it brings a great deal of laughter to our home.  It also lightens the energetic space when we are wading through the muck that pops up for all of us from time to time.  For us silliness and laughter allows us the room to step back from our “stuff” and not get bogged down in it.  To not take life so seriously all the time.  There is room to be fun, have fun and be playful on this journey.  And sometimes it takes just one silly joke, one silly face or one silly dance to remind us to let go of the weight of the world.

What do you love most about your relationship or partner? What topics mean the most to you to explore further?  As we get going, we’d love to know – so comment (below) or send us a message (contact us form)

