Category: Personal Growth


It just hit me today… The fun of organizing my life in preparation for a new year!! I’ve been working on my intentions for weeks if not months now, but suddenly, I’m planning events well into 2019 and realizing it’s time for new wall calendars and planners so that I have visual reminders and don’t overbook myself.


We’re writing about the top five things that mean the most to us about each other and our relationship in hopes that it gives insight into the things that truly matter within a partnership. It’s kind of an experiment to see how it flows into relationship topics.


First, it occurs to me now that the more we allow Disbelievers to control whether we voice our stories, the more they control the outcomes. It’s scary as hell to tell a story like this, to open yourself up to the judgement that may come. This happened about 1/2 my life ago and my parents don’t know (until now). For some reason, unknown to me for a long time, I have carried shame for this. Even though that doesn’t make sense, it’s true. The psychology of victimhood doesn’t always follow “common sense”. Now I know that the shame I have carried about this reflects more about society’s views of these incidents and how our system first attempts to blame women, than it ever has reflected about me personally.